Page Layout and Typography

Align Command
The align command is used to adjust the position of two or more elements in relation to each other. Elements can be aligned along any edge (top, bottom, left, right) or on their horizontal or vertical centers.
Color Palette
A list of colors to be used in a particular publication. Once defined from a master list of all colors a color appears on the color palette so that it may be easily used to color elements of the publication.
Control Palette
A palette within Adobe PageMaker that gives the user rapid control over the size and position of elements in a publication.
Cropping a Graphic
The act of hiding unwanted detail around the edge of a picture. Cropping with page layout software (as opposed to cropping the actual picture in the image editing software) is not recommended since the cropped detail is still part of the layout and is still Ripped by the output device. Using oversized pictures and cropping them can lead to long output times.
An em is a typographers unit of measurement that is proportioned to the width of a capital letter "M." It will vary from font to font and will also vary with the point size of the font.
An en is a typographers unit of measurement that is proportioned to the width of a capital letter "N." It will vary from font to font and will also vary with the point size of the font.
En Dash or Em Dash
A dash (hyphen) that will have its width equal to either the width of a capital letter "N" or "M."
En Space or Em Space
A space (between words) that will have its width equal to either the width of a capital letter "N" or "M."
Facing Pages
A term that means the software will display reader spreads to the user as a pair of pages viewed side by side. This allows the user to layout pages with elements crossing over the gutter. (A crossover)
Fixed Space
A special type of space used between words that will insure there will be no line breaks between those words. Often used when it is desired for two words (like the company name Binary Graphics) to never be split between two lines of body copy.
Font Usage Command
A function under the utility menu of Quark XPress that allows the user to see what fonts have been used in the creation of a particular layout. This function is valuable while preparing a digital mechanical to be sent away for film output.
Format Text
A function available in all page layout software that allows the user to change the font and point size of all copy elements. Formatting text is an important part of the page layout process and is where raw typed copy is given the proper typographic appearance.
Frame Based Page Layout
A term to describe the function of the Quark XPress page layout program. A frame is a box. The user must first position boxes onto the page and then fill those boxes with text or graphics.
Get Picture Command
A command within Quark XPress that allows the user to import a graphic file into a picture frame.
Get Text Command
A command within Quark XPress that allows the user to import a text file into a text frame.
Hard Return
A carriage return. This keystroke is what separates one paragraph from another.
Kerned Pairs
Within a font, certain letter pairs are defined with special Letter Spacing. For instance, in the word To, the lower case letter o is set closer to the capital letter T. A font may have hundreds of Kerned Pairs defined within it. Users with the right software can edit them or expand the number of them within a given font.
A typographic term referring to making small manual adjustments between two letters to achieve an enhanced visual appearance. It is common to perform some kerning on headlines.
Leading is a typographic term referring to the vertical space between two lines of copy. Leading is measured from the baseline of one line of type up to the baseline of type above. Leading is expressed in points.
Letter Spacing
Letter spacing is a typographic term referring to the relative space between individual letters.
Linking Graphics
An important concept in page layout software that refers to the fact that page layout files do not actually contain graphics files within them. Even though the user positions graphics on the pages of the page layout file, there is only a pointer stored internally in the page layout file referring to the original hard disk location where the graphics file resides. It is an important note to make that while the user may see the graphic images on the page layout file pages, it is necessary to send the original graphic files along for film output.
Links Command
A command within Aldus PageMaker that allows the user to view and manage the linked graphics within a document. Links have various status'. They can be "OK", "missing", "modified". It is important that all links be OK before sending the files away for output. A status of missing (PageMaker uses a question mark symbol) means that the page layout software cannot find the linked graphic. A status of modified (PageMaker uses a diamond symbol) means that the graphics file has been changed since placement in the layout.
Margin Guides
Non-printing guide lines that appear in page layout software at the dimensions specified by the user. Typically used to identify body copy area, elements positioned both within and outside of these guides will show in the hard copy.
Settings in page layout software used to identify the part of the page to be used for body text.
Master Page
A feature found within page layout software that allows the user to create quick consistent page layouts. Any printing element or non-printing guide will appear on all pages of the document. It is considered wise to position any repeating elements (like page numbers) once on master pages instead of over and over again on each individual page of the publication.
Measurement Palette
A palette within Quark XPress that gives the user rapid control over the size and position of elements in a publication.
Non-printing Guides
A term for alignment aids within page layout software. These ruler and margin guides are positioned by the user to facilitate a layout where things line-up properly.
Page Layout
A term referring to the act of creating blank pages in page layout software and positioning text and graphics elements onto those pages. It is the equivalent of mechanical paste-up and is what most people think of when they think of desktop publishing.
Page Size
A setting for a publication that affects the trim size of the publication. The page size setting will determine the size of the page and determines the placement of the automatic crop marks in relation to the artwork on the pages. It is important to consult with your printer about the exact page size necessary for a particular publication.
Paste Board
A term used for the area around a page in a page layout program. This area is, like a traditional drafting table, available as a temporary holding area for elements to be used as part of a page layout. It is important to remove any extra or unwanted elements from the paste board before sending the page layout away for output. Modern page layout software is said to use a "paste board metaphor"
Picture Box
A common term for a frame within the Quark XPress page layout program. A picture box is a holder for a picture. In use, the user must first position a picture box on the page and then import a picture into it. The image can be scaled within the and box can be used to crop the picture or support a printing border around the picture.
Picture Usage Command
A command within Quark XPress that allows the user to view and manage the linked graphics within a document. Links have various status'. They can be "OK", "missing", "modified". It is important that all links be OK before sending the files away for output. A status of missing means that the page layout software cannot find the linked graphic. A status of modified means that the graphics file has been changed since placement in the layout.
Place Command
An important command in Aldus PageMaker that is used to import text and graphics files stored on the users hard disk. Once placed, text can be formatted and graphics can be sized, cropped and positioned.
(Originally called Additions and renamed by Adobe in PageMaker 6.0.) A term for additional software to expand the capabilities of PageMaker. Plug-ins are available from Adobe and other sources to perform many specialized tasks.
Reader Spread
A term used in page layout software to describe the pairing of pages on the computer display. Pages are grouped in numerical order as a reader would encounter them while reading: 2 paired with 3, 4 paired with 5, etc. This is contrasted to printer spreads which describe the pairings as they may occur on a printing press before the binding of the book.
Rotating a Graphic
A function available within page layout software that allows graphics to by oriented to any desired angle. This function should be avoided for scanned images since it can compromise reproduction quality and slow output times. If rotation of scanned images is necessary, it should either be done with image editing software or the image should be re-scanned at the desired rotational orientation.
Ruler Guides
Alignment aids found in page layout software. These guides are called ruler guides because they are pulled out of the display rulers with the mouse and positioned on the layout page.
Measurement aids found along two edges of the layout display window. The rulers have a zero point that can be repositioned to any point on the screen for convenient measurement.
Scaling a Graphic
A function available within page layout software that allows graphics to by sized to any desired scale. This function should be avoided for scanned graphics since it can compromise reproduction quality. If scaling of scanned images is necessary, it should either be done with image editing software or the image should be re-scanned at the desired size.
Soft Return
Similar to a carriage return but different: Activated in page layout software and in most word processors by holding the shift key and then hitting return. This will create a break in the copy forcing the keystrokes that follow to go to the next line but it will NOT define a new paragraph. This is most often used when a line break is desired but when proper formatting requires both lines to be in one paragraph.
A term for a set of copy that was imported into page layout software as one file. The story may appear in one place in one text block (PageMaker term) or in one text box (XPress term,) or it may be "chained" across multiple boxes that may reside on multiple pages of a document. A "story" is the largest piece of text that can be "highlighted" (selected in preparation for formatting) at one time. Stories must be highlighted individually.
Style Sheet
An important term for a productivity enhancing feature found in page layout and word processing software. Used to speed text formatting and assure more consistent text formatting in a publication. The user can define a set of text formatting options (font, point size, leading, spacing, etc.) and name that set of formatting commands. Names such as "headline", "body copy", "caption" indicate the anticipated uses. Once defined, a style sheet can be applied to copy and that copy will instantly take on all attributes of that style sheet. Additional productivity gains are achieved since the user can redefine a style sheet after it has been applied to copy and the copy can be instantly modified throughout the publication. It takes just a moment to redefine a caption style, for example and modify 200 captions.
Text Block
A term used in the PageMaker page layout program. A text block is an element on a page containing headline or body copy. A text block can be moved independently of any other text block on the page and can be adjusted in width and depth to change the copy flow. Text can be caused to flow from one text block to another allowing a multi-column layout or allowing an article to begin in the front, and continue in the back of a publication.
Text Box
A term used in the Quark XPress page layout program. A text box is an element on a page containing headline or body copy. A text box can be moved independently of any other text box on the page and can be adjusted in width and depth to change the copy flow. Text can be caused to flow from one text box to another allowing a multi-column layout or allowing an article to begin in the front, and continue in the back of a publication.
Text Box Chaining Tool
A tool in the Quark XPress page layout program. This tool is used to allow copy to flow from one text box to another. See also Text Box.
Text Chain
A term used in the PageMaker page layout program that refers to the copy flow from one text block to another that may take place.
Text Wrap
A term used in page layout software that refers to the way lines of text can be shaped to follow the edge of a graphic.
A typographic term that refers to letter spacing of a range of text. Tracking adjustment will allow overall tightness or looseness of copy to be quickly adjusted to help achieve a particular visual effect or to help fit copy onto a page.
A term for additional software to expand the capabilities of the Quark XPress page layout program. XTensions are available to perform many specialized tasks from table of content generators for a book to XTensions that enhance the color separation and output capabilities of XPress.